Pictures can be DECEIVING!

The second picture of my 4 beautiful and intense children is the picture I shared on Facebook from my family on the 4th of July. The first picture is a more accurate depiction of what that photo session was really like. When you have 4 kids taking a picture is equivalent to running a marathon. In fact worse! I worked up a sweat and high blood pressure in all of 4 minutes. At least I got my picture! You should see what it is like trying to walk into a photo studio with this crew.

Going to the beach will NEVER be relaxing again!

I am so sorry to let you know this, but the relaxation of sitting on a beach and getting a tan while reading will never again be part of your life. In fact going to the beach will be another intense workout! The amount of physical activity I do with these kids you would think I’m skinny, I’M NOT 🙁 This is also another example of how pictures are deceiving because this beach cart broke the second I finished taking this picture. It worked for 1 use for all of our stuff! The stuff is epic!

You will always be TOO LOUD.

We are A LOT! I call us EXTRA! I don’t even think jail bars could hold us back. I always thought maybe I would have just 1 calm child. NO! I don’t make those! Each child in this crew is unique with their own loud and vibrant personality. I have to admit my husband and I are both intense as well so I am not surprised by this. But put the 6 of us together and it is like trying to cage a bunch of wild animals. We are too much for most people!

Oh! What a Mess!

This post will put me out of my comfort zone, but boy oh boy is everything a mess! We don’t stop cleaning and we literally turn around to a new mess every 2 seconds. I kid you not it is virtually impossible to keep this house clean! I really don’t like to share this harsh reality with the world, but you need to know that this is normal and we keep trying, but when you have 4 kids a mess is your reality. Don’t believe these people with beautiful homes with nothing in it posting about their huge family and how organized they are. NOT REALITY!

You will get STARES and COMMENTS!

I can’t even count the stares we get when we walk into a room. Especially if we walk into a party. I can say this much there are never enough chairs for us! I should start quoting what people say to me, “Are they all yours?” “Are you done yet?” “OMG” “This is the lady with 4 kids!” I can say this much,apparently it is not the norm these days to have many children. I want to have 1 more just to shock everyone!

Vacations get COMPLICATED!

I won’t even get into packing for this family, that will have to be a whole separate post! It is astounding looking at our van when we go anywhere! People ask me if I am crazy when I take this whole crew on vacation, but I do love traveling and I am willing to make it work. It is rather difficult for a family of 6 to get a hotel room. I usually try to rent a condo or a house for space. When we all try to fit on a ride together it is rather impressive! We had the MOST people possible on the sleigh ride in Santa’s Village. I did post our waterfall picture because as much as it pains me the outdoors loves us. I never pictured myself venturing through the outdoors, but it is where we feel the freest and are able to be ourselves!

You are ALWAYS needed! It will be the BEST thing you ever did!

I have to admit, although my life is crazy it is 100% the BEST thing I ever did! I can truly say that I am ALWAYS needed and NEVER alone, but my life wouldn’t be nearly as exciting without my crazy crew! I honestly can say even though people think I am crazy being a mom of 4 is the most rewarding and difficult thing I have ever done. It makes me a better person every day! I have no choice but to be!

Comment below! I’d love to hear about your family and don’t forget to subscribe to my page!


Kathy Leveille · July 8, 2022 at 12:46 am

Love, love this Nicole!! You will NOT ever be alone! You were blessed with 4 beautiful children and one handsome husband! Although, you are also gorgeous 🥰
I was one of 6, so I think I can relate? We had relatives who hated to see us coming. Sooo many little hands & feet! Oh well, we always had each other!

    parentteachrepeat · August 13, 2022 at 4:59 pm

    Thank you so much! You have a beautiful family as well!

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