Are you wondering how to increase your TPT sales each month? Are you new to Teachers Pay Teachers or are you just wondering how to get more views and sales on your existing store? Then this post is for you!

I have had my TPT store opened for a few years, but I just recently started taking it seriously for the past two years. I began by posting products that I was using for my students. I couldn’t believe it when I sold my first product! Then I started making around $100 per month and I was shocked. My store stayed in that category for almost a year and I began to get discouraged. How come my products were not getting the views they deserved? I knew it was possible because I had some successful friends. I decided it was time to make some changes and that $100 became over $1000 per month. Here is what I did…

This graph is from this past October. Even with all the TPT search algorithm changes, my store continued to grow! It still is and I still continue to work on it.

1. Covers Matter!

Let’s face it, people are visual buyers. If you go to buy a house, most people are looking at the paint and decor, not the foundation and basement. Visually friendly covers sell! I didn’t believe this at first until I started changing all of my covers. You need screen shots or actual pictures of the product on the cover. The font needs to be readable, and the colors need to look appealing. I make my covers in Canva (Canva tutorial is coming soon!) I asked myself, “Do I really need to edit ALL 200 of my product covers?” I told myself yes and spent the entire summer doing so. What was the result? The graph up above! Check out my previous covers with a new example below. As you can probably tell, the old cover is on the left! It is actually embarrassing when I look at it now!

2. Add Previews (PDF & Video)

Previews are super important! When I first started I looked at it as extra work to make a PDF preview and a video preview. Most of my products had neither. I truly thought the thumbnails were sufficient. Well, they were not! I used Canva to make a slide show that included my product cover, images of the product with descriptions on how it will help teachers, and links to other similar products. I then turn that slideshow into BOTH a PDF preview and a video preview. Hint… I heard products without video previews are getting less views with TPT’s NEW search algorithm. So don’t skip them! It is worth the extra time and effort.

Here is an example of a video preview I just made!

3. Data, Data, Data!

As teachers we are always told to analyze student data. Why wouldn’t we do that for our own business? There are tons of charts in TPT that will show you product data. Right in the dashboard you can check your weekly product views and earnings. You can put in the custom dates to look for certain trends. You can also look up the product sales reports. The goal here is to look for your best selling products. That is your “niche” as they call it. You want to make more and more products in those areas! The graph below shows me the specific product views for just the beginning of this year. This tells me what people are looking for.

4. Title & Description

When a teacher types into the TPT search bar he or she is looking for something specific. You need to think like the teaching searching for your products. The title and the first few sentences of your description matter! If your product is about jelly bean math a teacher is probably not going to type jelly bean into the search bar. He or she may type “repeated addition for 3rd graders.” Be very conscious of your titles and descriptions and don’t be afraid to change them as needed.

5. Bundles!

Let’s face it you make more money selling more than 1 product at a time! How can you do that? Make bundles! Put like products together and make a bundle. You can get creative and you may be surprised by what can be bundled together. Sometimes it is a math review with a test, or a year long grade level activity. Don’t forget… the cover, PDF preview, and video previews still matter with a bundle. Take the time and make them even though your individual product previews will show.

I still have so much to share so please subscribe so you are the first to know when I post!

How is your store doing? What do you need help with? Comment below!